👮Vision Moderator AI

This feature for Vision Buy Bot is in development right now.

Encompassing the roles of chatbot, moderator, researcher, and community manager, Vision Moderator AI truly stands as a versatile crypto assistant. Delve deep into the crypto world with answers on tokenomics, blockchain intricacies, and market sentiments, ensuring you're always informed.

Welcome Messages — In config you have an option to enable or disable welcome messages, aswell as customize them.

Filters — are quick responses to commands in your chat, giving users immediate answers to common questions.

Anti-Raid — a spam prevention feature designed to halt the transmission of excessively large messages, comes with three modes: Off-duty, Standard, and Strict. Standard mode, recommended for most groups, rarely deletes non-spam messages, especially when coupled with the option to trust low-risk users.

Flood Control — another spam prevention mechanism, aims to curb users from sending messages too rapidly. The default setting, Light, corresponds to 1/4 on the difficulty scale, making accidental triggers rare, although in highly active chats, it could occur. With normal chatting, unintentional triggers are unlikely.

AI Ban — an automated system triggered by replying to spam or malicious messages. This action adds the offending message to the group's database for comparison with new messages. If similarity is detected, the message is automatically deleted, and the user's message is sent for review. If deemed unsafe, the user faces permanent banning from Block Vision, making it particularly effective against pump groups and other malicious activities.

Join Captcha — a feature accessible via "/config > Welcome Messages," when activated, mutes users upon joining until they verify themselves through Vision Moderator AI. While not as secure as a portal, this measure effectively prevents spam.

⚠️ Vision Moderator AI is part of a Vision Buy Bot

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