



Block Vision AI Ecosystem:

Plans on 2024 Year

Our roadmap outlines the strategic and technical initiatives planned over the next four quarters to enhance the capabilities of Block Vision AI and fortify the security landscape of smart contracts. This journey is marked by milestones aimed at delivering state-of-the-art, ethically-driven AI solutions, pushing the boundaries of blockchain security technologies, and fostering a resilient, secure blockchain ecosystem.

Q1: Foundation and Framework Enhancement

  • Development of AI Agents: Launch the Beta version of our Telegram Bot and Web UI, offering users preliminary access to our smart contract analysis tools.

  • Smart Contract Language Proficiency Expansion: Extend the AI's understanding and analysis capabilities beyond Solidity to include other smart contract languages such as Vyper, enhancing our platform's versatility.

  • Ethical AI Governance Framework: Implement a comprehensive governance framework to guide the ethical development and application of AI technologies within Block Vision AI, ensuring transparency, fairness, and accountability.

  • AI Analysis Algorithm Optimization: Begin iterative improvements on the core AI algorithms to increase the precision and recall rates in identifying vulnerabilities and security threats in smart contracts.

Q2: Platform Development and Community Engagement

  • Integration of Continuous Learning Systems: Implement continuous learning mechanisms for the AI to adapt to new vulnerabilities and exploits as they emerge, based on community feedback and blockchain security developments.

  • Community Building and Feedback Loop: Establish a robust community feedback system, including forums, workshops, and beta testing programs, to gather insights and enhance our platform based on user experience.

Q3: Security Features Expansion and Partnerships

  • Real-time Monitoring and Alert System: Introduce a real-time monitoring feature for smart contracts, providing immediate alerts on detected vulnerabilities and threats.

  • Strategic Partnerships: Forge partnerships with blockchain platforms, DeFi projects, and academic institutions to enrich our security database, improve AI learning capabilities, and expand our reach within the ecosystem.

  • Launch of Customizable Security Templates: Develop and release customizable security templates for different types of smart contracts, allowing users to tailor the security analysis to their specific needs.

Q4: Platform Refinement and Scalability

  • Full Launch of AI Agents: Officially release the fully optimized Telegram Bot and Web UI, equipped with comprehensive analysis capabilities and user-friendly interfaces.

  • Scalability Enhancements: Enhance the infrastructure to support scalability, enabling the handling of increased demand and the analysis of smart contracts at scale.

  • Advanced Reporting and Insights: Introduce advanced reporting features, providing in-depth insights, recommendations, and actionable steps to mitigate identified vulnerabilities, complete with industry benchmarks and historical data analysis.

Throughout the year, our focus will remain on delivering cutting-edge, ethically-guided AI solutions to secure smart contracts, driving innovation in blockchain security, and fostering a safe, efficient, and trustworthy blockchain ecosystem. This roadmap represents our commitment to advancing the security and integrity of smart contracts, empowering developers and organizations to build with confidence in the blockchain space.

Last updated